The Academy

The BredaPhoto Academy project, BredaPhoto cooperates with ten Art Academies in Europe:
The Netherlands:
AKV|St. Joost Breda
HKU Utrecht
KASK Gent,
KASK Antwerp,
LUCA School of Arts campus NARAFI
LUCA School of Arts campus Sint Lukas Brussels
University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Art and Design Bielefeld
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME), Budapest
LAB University of Applied Sciences, Lahti
The cooperation between BredaPhoto and the Art Academies aims to assist new talents to become a new generation of photographers.
October 2019, more than 300 students visited the kick off in Breda. During the kick off they met their co-students and got detailed information on the 2020 theme ’the best of times, the worst of times’. The theme is inspired by the novel ‘A tale of two cities’ by Charles Dickens and first published in 1859.
From September 2019 till March 2020 the students worked on photographic or video projects, inspired by the BredaPhoto theme. During this period they were supported by both their own teachers and by the team of curators of BredaPhoto and a selection of teachers from the participating Art Academies. All ten Art Academies were visited beginning of 2020.
50 studens were invited to pitch their final proposals. Due to the corona-crisis, the live pitch that was scheduled in Bielefeld, Germany the selected students were invited to record their pitch and upload it. From these 50 pitches, 10 students were selected to exhibit their work at BredaPhoto 2020.
Next to the 10 projects presented BredaPhoto 2020, a special additional exhibition will be designed that will travel along the cities of the participating art schools.
The 10 selected students for 2020 were:
Jonas van der Haegen
‘Love, fuck & pray’,
Renée Paule
‘21st Century Archetypes’
Alexander Rossa
Mateo Ancis
‘Ghiacciaio di Planpincieux’
Elias Kaus
Seppe Vancraywinkel
“Within the bubble of surroundings”
Kincso Bede
‘Three Colours I Know in This World‘
Sam ten Thij
‘the road to school’
Max Ernst Stockburger
‘The Missing Link’
Zoë Sluijs
‘(What happened when) I stopped pretending to know’