Oscar Mack


Oscar Mack
Oscar Mack Bush

Art makes us look at the world differently. Art asks questions,touches us, amazes us, sometimes confounds us. Sometimes it brings new perspectives on historical events that artists want to share with us, stories that need to be told. Other times they draw our attention to the beauty of the everyday.

Oscar Mack draws our attention to something as seemingly simple as a bush. But is that bush really so ordinary? Listen to the artist and judge for yourself.

“One day I started taking pictures of this bush. It started off as an innocent method to keep my process going. First came the everyday pictures, then came the notes. The act of taking a picture everyday served as a trigger for my thoughts sending me deeper into the world of the bush. Soon it became very serious I couldn’t miss a single day without taking a picture of this bush. I even celebrated our one month anniversary with some close friends of mine. However, I was still questioning what my role in all this actually was. On some level the only relevance the bush had was to be there for me every day, but could it be any place? No, I don’t want to think that. This bush has to be special to me.”
Oscar Mack Bush
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