Adrianna Chlebicka

Amongst the amid

Adrianna Chlebicka Amongst the amid
Adrianna Chlebicka Amongst the amid
Every journey has a starting and a finishing point. What happens between those two - the traces we leave behind marking that journey – is often unclear, undefined, hazy. Amongst the amid is inspired by the elusive energy and the state of being in-between the start and the end of any journey.

Using her family’s photographic archives, Adrianna Chlebicka focuses on the present based on the past. The result is neither figurative nor abstract, holding the middle ground between photography and painting.

We think of the past and future as static, yet the present is a continuous process, constantly evolving and reshaped through both conscious and unconscious steps. Since the ‘here and now’ is so close and happening right now, we have no clear view of it. There is no way to take a step back and see it from a different perspective. Hence why it is so blurry, confusing and random at times.

This project considers how the present is moulded. Chlebicka seeks to evoke a sensory experience and immerse the viewer in shapes, lines and colour planes, making the viewer sink into the images and connect to their inner self.

Location: Carré Chassé


Adrianna Chlebicka Amongst the amid