Natacha de Mahieu

Theatre of Authenticity

Natacha de Mahieu Theatre of Authenticity
As social animals, we seem to have similar desires: whether or not we are influenced by the perfect image of others on social media. We go to the same places and do the same things. Theatre of Authenticity is a series that questions the way we travel and the reasons we have to go to certain places. The project is about the life we dream of, but also about the life we in turn reveal. To create this series, Natacha de Mahieu selected the most popular, natural places on social media based on the number of geotags. Here she created dozens or hundreds of images within a certain time frame which she then combined into one image. Using the same tools as users of social media, she lets photography lose its objectivity. De Mahieu reduces the human presence to a texture that covers fragile but majestic pieces of nature.
Natacha de Mahieu Theatre of Authenticity
Natacha de Mahieu

Natacha de Mahieu (1996, Brussels, Belgium) is a photographer and videographer. She received her MA from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) in Ghent. Natacha has developed a contemplative, thoughtful and sometimes humoristic approach. Her work mainly questions the relationship between humans and their environment. Her work has been published in The Guardian, de Volkskrant and De Standaard among others.

Location: XXL Plein

Natacha de Mahieu Theatre of Authenticity