Tina Farifteh

Tina in Sexbierum

Tina Farifteh Tina in Sexbierum (video still)

Iranian-Dutch artist Tina Farifteh (1982) is creating new work especially for Journeys. Farifteh shows Tina in Sexbierum, a multimedia project about her search for her place in the world. That search takes her to Friesland (in the north of the Netherlands), the village of Sexbierum and the Sedyk. It is a personal story that simultaneously depicts universal themes such as uprooting, the search for a home and the love of the landscape and elements. Tina in Sexbierum is a co-production of BredaPhoto and Prospektor and is realised with support from the Mondriaan Fund and Forhanna Foundation.

Tina Farifteh Tina in Sexbierum (video still)
Tina Farifteh Tina in Sexbierum (video still)
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